The Science Behind Neudio
Neudio's proprietary approach modulates brainwaves using music that is tuned to the listener’s brain. Brain activity is sensed by a simple EEG (electroencephalography, 7) headband and relayed wirelessly to the Neudio app for real-time music synthesis. This creates feedback loops between the brain and music that enhance or suppress specific brainwaves. Unlike conventional neurofeedback, there is no need for the user to learn to control their brainwaves - instead Neudio learns to modulate the listener's brain. Neudio achieves this without brain data being stored or analysed outside of the listener’s device.
A subsequent study showed that brainwave modulation could be targeted to different brain areas. These whole-head images summarise regions of statistically significant brainwave modulation across all 8 study participants. The sites targeted in each experimental condition (temporal and prefrontal cortices) are indicated with red circles.
In our largest study to date with 40 subjects, listening to just 30 second clips of piano music was sufficient to significantly enhance or suppress prefrontal theta oscillations (P=0.001, 0.0004 respectively) compared to conventional listening with identical music.
A manuscript describing these three studies is being prepared for peer-reviewed publication.
The effectiveness of Neudio for modulating brainwaves has been proven by scientific research led by Newcastle University involving more than 50 participants. Whilst individual results can vary, EEG (7) and MEG (magnetoencephalography, 8) studies demonstrate that Neudio:
· rapidly enhances or suppresses brainwaves
· acts selectively on specific frequencies
· can target specific brain areas
· has stronger effects than conventional music
Results from a first study with 10 people found that brainwaves at different frequencies could be systematically enhanced or suppressed. This figure shows example power spectra of brain signals in the temporal cortex of one participant listening to Neudio under four different feedback conditions calibrated to enhance (red) and suppress (blue) theta brainwaves (solid lines) and alpha brainwaves (dashed lines).
Neudio modulates brainwaves - electrical oscillations at different frequencies that are associated with a range of healthy and abnormal brain states. Enhancing or suppressing waves in specific brain areas has been shown to benefit mental wellbeing with therapeutic applications in conditions ranging from ADHD to Alzheimer’s Disease (see references 1-6 below for further information).
Neuromodulation of Neural Oscillations in Health and Disease: Weiss et al. Biology 2023, 12(3), 371
Modulating Human Memory via Entrainment of Brain Oscillations: Hanslmayr et al. Trends in Neuroscience 2019, Vol. 42(7), pg. 485-499.
Neural entrainment and network resonance in support of top-down guided attention: Helfrich et al., Curr. Opin. Psychol. 2019, Vol.29, pg. 82-89.
Induction of specific brain oscillations may restore neural circuits and be used for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease: Chan et al. Journal of Internal Medicine Volume 2021, 290 (5), pg. 993-1009.
Linking alpha oscillations, attention and inhibitory control in adult ADHD with EEG neurofeedback: Deiber et al. Neuroimage Clinical 2020, Vol. 25, 102145.
Neurofeedback: A Comprehensive Review on System Design, Methodology and Clinical Applications: Marzbani et al. Basic and Clinical Neuroscience 2016, Vol.7, No 2, pg. 143-158.
EEG is an established safe method to measure brain activity from the skin of the head (wikipedia). Opposed to many other applications, Neudio needs only a few electrodes to work (3 or more).
MEG is an established safe method to measure brain activity by sensing changes in magnetic fields detectable from the outside of the head (wikipedia).